Danielle Vidigal

Three great tips for writing your referee spreadsheet

We all know that the submission is a very important part of the directories research process. A well-written submission that focuses on the right points is crucial to showcase your work properly. However, the submission is not the only focal point of this process. The referee spreadsheet also deserves your attention.

A list of clients that is well thought through results in a larger amount of feedback and a better quality of feedback too. So here are three top tips to help you get the most out of your referee spreadsheet.

  1. Talk to your clients – Always ask for their permission before including them in your list. It may seem obvious but during my researcher/writer days I got a fair few angry replies from clients who simply didn’t want to be interviewed. Therefore, always ask if your client is comfortable being interviewed about the work they have hired you to do. Explain what the interview entails and, most importantly, if they don’t seem comfortable with the idea of talking to a legal directory, do not include them in your list.
  2. Most senior doesn’t necessarily mean the best – Usually the most senior person is also busiest too. Even though the interviews with clients don’t take a very long time, a company’s CEO is unlikely to have the time to answer any extra emails than, let’s say, somebody at executive level. As long as they have worked with your firm, you should always go for the person most likely to answer an interview request rather than for the most senior.
  3. Pay attention to the deadlines – Always send your referee spreadsheet within the deadline. Both Chambers and Partners and The Legal 500 prioritise contacting the people who have been submitted on time. If you send your list after the deadline, the researcher may simply not have enough time to get in touch with them.

Remember that a happy client creates a very good impression on the researchers and the interviews with clients are, perhaps, the most important element when it comes to deciding a firm’s rankings.

 Our weblog is going to take a short break because we are getting ready for our upcoming legal directories workshop that will take place in São Paulo, in June. We’ll be back on the 18th of May with more information about the legal directories world.

Meanwhile, if you need help improving your rankings, get in touch with us. We can help you develop a strategic approach to each practice area of your firm, we can review your submissions and provide much more besides. All our services are tailored to your firm’s needs.

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