Danielle Vidigal

All you need to know about the new Chambers Insight is here

As I am sure you are all aware, Chambers used to publish a product called Unpublished Report. This has now been replaced by a new, improved product called Chambers Insight.

The Unpublished Report was, by far, my favourite Chambers product. And, believe me, I earn zero commission from this! I just really think it was great – as you probably did too. So, in order to find out a bit more about the changes Chambers made to the Unpublished Report, I spoke to Core Account Manager Matthew Hall.

And I was hugely impressed with how they’ve managed to make it even more relevant for law firms.

The new Chambers Insight maintains the same great old features: access to quotes about your firm and its practitioners from interviewees (who remain unnamed and unidentifiable, the publication takes the anonymity of its sources very seriously) and thorough reasoning on your rankings results. Those two features alone are of great help to law firms looking to gain insight on their legal directories achievements, but also on their brand and work performance and those of their lawyers.

But there’s more. The Insight report now offers three other brilliant features:

–      PO reveal – PO is an internal ranking category for law firms and lawyers who are on the verge of being ranked. People and firms who are under close observation for an inclusion or promotion on the following research cycle are classed as POs inside Chambers. Knowing this will be so helpful for law firms seeking to sharpen their directories strategy to achieve better results.

–      Referees response rates – This information is something that firms always want to know and will finally be available in a further step to make Chambers research process and rankings decisions even more transparent. This will also be helpful for law firms to assess whether their referees’ strategy is actually working.

–      Trajectories – This will allow law firms to see the trends of each department’s ranking results, providing valuable additional data to help law firms understand their legal directories performance.

Another interesting change is in the pricing structure that now has seen the price difference between the standard version of the report and the premium one (the one where you can have access to some competitor’s information) decrease.

I was an Unpublished Report enthusiast and now I am sure I will become an Insight enthusiast too. I believe that, in offering valuable information on client satisfaction and brand perception, it allows law firms to work better, not only within the legal directory realm, but in every aspect of their practice and business development.

I always recommend that my clients set up a budget for the purchase of this report because I so strongly believe it is worth it. And to repeat: this is not an advert, it reflects a true admiration for the product.

How about you? Have you ever bought a Chambers Unpublished report? How did you find it? Are you planning to buy the new Chambers Insights this year? Let’s talk!

This article was written by me, Danielle Vidigal, the founder of Vidigal Marketing. I am passionate about helping law firms achieve the legal directories results they deserve. If you need help navigating the submissions process, get in touch. It will be a pleasure talking to you.

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