Danielle Vidigal

Some differences between Chambers and Partners and The Legal 500

The Legal 500 deadline for submissions is fast approaching for Brazil (and the UK too) while Chambers and Partners are still full on. You are probably now wondering what the differences between the two directories are.

In a nutshell, there are a few differences, but if you have done a good job with your Chambers submissions, you are probably well-equipped to handle the Legal 500 research (and vice-versa).

Some of the differences are:

– Deadlines (considering LatAm here): Chambers and Partners stagger its submissions deadlines for some jurisdictions (if you are in Brazil, there are about eight different monthly deadlines in the year). Legal 500 only have one submission deadline for Brazil, in February.

– Changes in the rankings: Chambers tend to have a more traditional approach to their rankings. Legal 500 tend to be quicker to show changes in the market.

– Research process: both directories use this tripod structure, taking into account the submission, the feedback they receive from clients, and the feedback they receive from peers, when making rankings decisions. However, as opposed to Chambers, Legal 500 tend to have more face-to-face interviews with lawyers, rather than just phone calls.

– Referee spreadsheet: Chambers and Partners only accept a limited number of clients (it is 20 now for the UK and Brazil, for example). Legal 500 accept an unlimited number of clients. 

– Submission: Chambers and Partners provide their own template for submissions. Legal 500 do not. (This was true when the article was first published. Legal 500 now do provide a template for their submissions)

– Rankings: Chambers rank lawyers and firms in tiers. Legal 500 only separate firms into tiers. Lawyers are either listed or not listed.

I hope this was useful information to you.

If you need help improving your rankings or navigating the research process of any legal directory, get in touch with us. We can help you develop a strategic approach to each practice area of your firm, we can review your submissions and provide much more besides. All our services are tailored to your firm’s needs.

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